Sunday, November 2, 2008

Adventure works 2005- faulty report samples - fixes/solution

Solution for faulty Product line sales:

The Product line sales report has currently for "top employees" the following incorrect query in the dataset TopEmployees:

SELECT TOP 5 C.LastName, C.FirstName, E.EmployeeID, SUM(SOH.SubTotal) AS SaleAmount
FROM Sales.SalesPerson SP INNER JOIN HumanResources.Employee E ON SP.SalesPersonID = E.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Contact C ON E.ContactID = C.ContactID INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH ON SP.SalesPersonID = SOH.SalesPersonID INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail SOD ON SOH.SalesOrderID = SOD.SalesOrderID INNER JOIN Production.Product P ON SOD.ProductID = P.ProductID INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory PS ON P.ProductSubcategoryID = PS.ProductSubcategoryID INNER JOIN Production.ProductCategory PC ON PS.ProductCategoryID = PC.ProductCategoryID
WHERE (PC.ProductCategoryID = @ProductCategory) AND (PS.ProductSubcategoryID IN (@ProductSubcategory)) AND (SOH.OrderDate > @StartDate) AND (SOH.OrderDate < @EndDate)
GROUP BY C.LastName, C.FirstName, E.EmployeeID, PC.ProductCategoryID, PS.ProductSubcategoryID

The problem is that it is adding up the Sales Order header - for every line on the order - so an order with 10 lines has the Order total multiplied 10 times. The "SUM(SOH.SubTotal)" bits need to be substituted with SUM(SOD.LineTotal).

So the top 5 report should use the following query:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT C.LastName, C.FirstName, E.EmployeeID, SUM(SOD.LineTotal) AS SaleAmount
FROM Sales.SalesPerson AS SP INNER JOIN HumanResources.Employee AS E ON SP.SalesPersonID = E.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Contact AS C ON E.ContactID = C.ContactID INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS SOH ON SP.SalesPersonID = SOH.SalesPersonID INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail AS SOD ON SOH.SalesOrderID = SOD.SalesOrderID INNER JOIN Production.Product AS P ON SOD.ProductID = P.ProductID INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory AS PS ON P.ProductSubcategoryID = PS.ProductSubcategoryID INNER JOIN Production.ProductCategory AS PC ON PS.ProductCategoryID = PC.ProductCategoryID
WHERE (PC.ProductCategoryID = @ProductCategory) AND (PS.ProductSubcategoryID IN (@ProductSubcategory)) AND (SOH.OrderDate > @StartDate) AND (SOH.OrderDate < @EndDate)
GROUP BY C.LastName, C.FirstName, E.EmployeeID, PC.ProductCategoryID, PS.ProductSubcategoryID

For the dataset TopCustomers there is an identical mistake
SELECT TOP 5 S.Name AS StoreName, SUM(SOH.SubTotal) AS SaleAmount, PS.ProductSubcategoryID,nPS.ProductCategoryID
FROM Production.Product P INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory PS ON P.ProductSubcategoryID = PS.ProductSubcategoryID INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail SOD ON P.ProductID = SOD.ProductID INNER JOIN Sales.Customer CU INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH ON CU.CustomerID = SOH.CustomerID INNER JOIN Sales.Store S ON CU.CustomerID = S.CustomerID ON SOD.SalesOrderID = SOH.SalesOrderID
WHERE (SOH.OrderDate > @StartDate) AND (SOH.OrderDate < @EndDate) AND (PS.ProductCategoryID = @ProductCategory) AND (PS.ProductSubcategoryID IN (@ProductSubcategory))
GROUP BY S.Name, PS.ProductSubcategoryID, PS.ProductCategoryID

The correct query is:
SELECT TOP 5 S.Name AS StoreName, SUM(SOD.LineTotal) AS SaleAmount, PS.ProductSubcategoryID,nPS.ProductCategoryID
FROM Production.Product P INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory PS ON P.ProductSubcategoryID = PS.ProductSubcategoryID INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail SOD ON P.ProductID = SOD.ProductID INNER JOIN Sales.Customer CU INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH ON CU.CustomerID = SOH.CustomerID INNER JOIN Sales.Store S ON CU.CustomerID = S.CustomerID ON SOD.SalesOrderID = SOH.SalesOrderID

WHERE (SOH.OrderDate > @StartDate) AND (SOH.OrderDate < @EndDate) AND (PS.ProductCategoryID = @ProductCategory) AND (PS.ProductSubcategoryID IN (@ProductSubcategory)) GROUP BY S.Name, PS.ProductSubcategoryID, PS.ProductCategoryIDORDER BY SUM(SOD.LineTotal) DESC

I think these work :)

As for the sales territory drilldown the only fix I can see is to do an update query of the Sales Order Header file of the correct line totals from the Sales Order Detail files.

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